Prabhas College Of Education,Affiliated to Krishna University, No.of Units = 02 , Total Number of seats=100.
To raise undergraduate, postgraduate students and research scholars to high levels of academic excellence, professional competence and spiritual enrichment to serve humanity with compassion and exemplary values. To set up Care Homes for the physically and mentally challenged, the elderly and the terminally ill to sensitize students to human needs and pain and dedicate themselves to solve human problems through research & development, formulate policies and provide spiritual counsel.
Prabhas College shall be an Institution with a social concern which will address the problems of humanity through teaching, research and extension in socially relevant areas. The students and faculty of Prabhas College will be imbibed with spiritual discernment and a zeal to serve humanity and to eventually become leaders of society.To find solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health and Energy through scientific, social and technological research.